Islamophobia in India upsets Arabs, affects ties: Saudi editor

by Rasia Hashmi, May 15, 2020
Muslims and Arab World faced the worst kind of malicious and hatred attack that came from Indian Hindus in recent past, says Khaled Al Maeena, former Editor of Arab News and Saudi Gazette. He told this while answering questions in a special conversation with Arfa Khanam Sherwani, senior editor of The Wire.

Raising concerns over abuse of religion and blasphemy against prophet, Al Maeena said the worst kind of blasphemous comments also came from BJP leaders like Surya. India gulf ties

Claiming that the Islamophobia in India has affected bilateral ties, the Saudi journalist noted that Kuwait, Oman and other countries launched a campaign against India and told that they don’t want to continue dealings with India. He said the photos and videos showing Muslims lynched in India, has upset gulf countries forcing them to consider reviewing their ties with India.

Al Maeena said the Arabs respect and love India but he was sorry to say that the Nehru and Gandhian ideologies of India has gone now and India has become a fascist country. He claimed that Arabs are watching videos of public lynchings of Muslims in India right under the nose of police, and they are upset over it.

Arabs strongly hurt
Indicating that even moderate and liberal Muslims living in the Middle East were furious and strongly hurt by the situation, Al Maeena cited the example of a Saudi employer who decided never to employ an Indian.

He observed that Hindus of India are tweeting against Dubai while the Dubai built temple and presented highest award to Modi.

Modi, Shah must speak up
Saying that Muslims are part and parcel of India, Al Maeena feels that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi must speak up for India’s Muslims. He believes if Modi speaks up and says ‘enough is enough’ there is no reason that attacks and killings of Muslims won’t stop.

The Saudi journalist is not satisfied with the clarification issued by India officials over Islamophobia, he urged Modi and Amit Shah to raise voice against it. He noted that Islamophobia will certainly affect India’s diplomatic and business ties with gulf countries as people are upset there.

Message to Hindu brothers
In a message to the Hindu brothers of India, Khalid Al Maeena said that when Corona arrived in Saudi Arabia, the government there gave equal treatment to everyone irrespective of their religion, identity, and the country. He urged Indian Hindus not to let some bad people spoil the name of their country. Khalid Al-Meena is considered as one of the most respected journalists of the Middle East. He is a veteran Saudi journalist and commentator and the former editor-in chief of the Saudi Gazette and Arab News.1/3 of the UAE population comprises of Indians. Prominent citizens of the Arab states have recently raised voice against Islamophobia in India forcing the Indian government to issue clarification.

Well-known Indian in NZ sacked for anti-Muslim posts.  In the email, Ms Clark wrote to the complainant, “We were appalled at the posts.” by Safoor, May 16, 2020

Kantilal Bhagabhai Patel, a well-known leader in New Zealand has been sacked from the membership of the Wellington Justices of Peace (JP) Association. Patel has lost his membership after some of his social media posts were deemed Islamophobic in nature.

This case, a first of its kind in New Zealand comes in the wake of several Indian expats facing action for their anti-Muslims social media posts in Arab and European nations.Ms Ann Clark, who is the Vice President of the Association, said to be appalled at the posts. “We were appalled at the posts.”

Replying to a complainant of Patel’s posts,  Clark informed, “The Association received a complaint and it was investigated. Mr Patel is no longer a member of the Wellington JP Association”

She added, “Wellington Justices of the Peace Association has referred the matter to the national body representing Justices of the Peace and asked them to consult with the Ministry of Justice.”

“We have completed our investigation and have concluded that these posts were not consistent with the standards expected of a Justice of the Peace. Mr Patel has been advised of that and the consequences for him. We are in the process of dealing with that. As you will appreciate not all the usual government systems are working at this time.” “Justices of the Peace are appointed through a government process and to cancel that appointment is also a government process. So in the meantime I hope you are willing to accept the apologises of the Wellington Justices of the Peace Association for the actions of this now former member of our Association,” she added. 

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